19 March 2025
With Cyclone Alfred now having passed through the north of the state, we have the luxury of looking back on the emergency response secure in the knowledge the worst-case scenarios didn’t eventuate. Having witnessed first-hand the work across government, industry and civil society as the preparations for rain and flooding were put in
place, I think it’s fair to say we have all learnt from previous mistakes. Whereas in 2022 the response to support communities was slow, reactive and disjointed, there was a concerted effort to bring people together and work on a coherent and cohesive plan. Everyone involved was committed and worked incredibly hard to prepare for and then manage the disruptions: from the federal, state and local governments to energy companies to supermarkets to telcos, the commitment to supporting affected communities was obvious. As these contingencies were put in place, the NSW Reconstruction Authority and police worked with local communities on the ground extremely well. I want to shout out to my predecessor Joanna Quilty and Mal Lanyon at the Authority for recognising our value. All this said, I still can’t
help thinking there are structural flaws in the way we approach disasters, as a crisis that requires top-down leadership and intervention, rather than a partnership which starts from an engaged and resourced community. Large city-based agencies are contracted to fly in to establish Evacuation Centres, while cash-strapped community groups are too often left on the sidelines where their granular understanding of local conditions really should be driving the response. NCOSS project partner Elly Bird who established Resilience Lismore after the 2022 floods, is mapping out a different model; where communities guide the first responders and then lead the reconstruction. But the sad reality is that organisations like Elly’s are still forced to survive project to project, rather than have the security of ongoing funding that would allow them to build their reach and capacity to lead in these responses. It’s good to know that the health and well-being of communities is being factored into the next stage of the recovery and NCOSS and our members will have a seat at the table. As we face the reality of more frequent and severe natural disasters (and a special shoutout to the Trump Administration’s decision to walk away from the global climate consensus) we need to regard the community sector not just as service providers but risk
mitigators. For me the iconic image of the past few weeks has been of communities working to fill sandbags in preparation of the storm. Sand-bagging is what NCOSS members are doing across the state, except for us the rain is always falling and the river always rising.
Project Partner Spotlight
NCOSS spoke to Elly Bird, Executive Director of Resilient Lismore about the radically different response the community and emergency services had to Cyclone Alfred. How are things on the ground in Lismore right now?
Everything is getting back to normal slowly. We are supporting folks still on the long-tail journey since 2022. As a community we are all pretty exhausted, and while Cyclone Alfred did not have a major impact, we were clearly bracing and that was just another part of the journey. Are you a resilient person? ‘Resilience’ is such a contested word these days! We lean into it in Lismore. Anne Leadbeater describes it ‘as the courage to confront adversity and still find hope’. I actually took this quote down off my wall during the evacuation! It rings true to me – and of my community. Ultimately human beings have deep wells of resources and catastrophic events draw this out of us. What motivated you to set up Resilient Lismore? We kicked off in 2017 when we did the things communities always do after big disaster which is to come together and organise. We were just a community group back then but when 2022 happened we knew we needed to become an organisation that was prepared to step up – because I know community organisations are best placed to provide the right support for the communities. We are still new but we have 17 staff all working really hard right across the Northern Rivers region. The majority of our work now is in property repair post-2022, but we are also doing what we can to prepare for future events and be ready to collaborate with other local organisations to support people who get directly impacted. How would you compare the response to Cyclone Alfred to the 2022 floods? It’s been an amazing difference and radically so. If there’s any silver lining from 2022 it’s that the Northern Rivers discovered a lot about how emergency management can work with community groups and orgs, and build preparedness in the community so people respond fast. That’s also what we are seeing in terms of recovery. While the impact was not as significant this time around, the earlier communication and fast response was really strong and we were ready for whatever happened. What are the remaining gaps in our approach to major disasters?
I think the gaps we have is that under the formal government recovery arrangements, recovery is funded for two years only. There needs to be a different approach based on scale and impact. The recovery from 2022 is far from over, but the current funding arrangements are already coming to a close. We need to build disaster planning into business as usual from community services organisations. We just need to be preparing at every level of everything we do. Resilience needs to be business as usual. You’ve just been given the job of Premier, what’s the first thing you do? Ha! I’m going to be parochial and come back to my community in Lismore and put more funding in here to ensure people still living in the flood zone can find a place to call home. Then I’m going to work with community to create housing that’s right for the area. When we get the model right, I’m going to roll it out to other communities
right across the state.
Regional Forum to be held in Wagga
The NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) in partnership with Linking Communities Network (LCN) invites you to
join a one-day Regional Forum for the community and related services sector in the Riverina on Tuesday 1 April 2025 in Wagga Wagga.
The Regional Forum will bring together regionally-based non-government organisations and networks across a range of service areas working in the diverse communities of the Riverina.
The Forum will explore the existing strengths of local communities, and coordinate solutions to shared challenges and unmet needs. We will address topics such as sector workforce and sustainability, as well as the changes to health and related services and the ripple effect on the wider community. A more detailed agenda will be provided shortly.
Why attend?
- Engage with experts: Hear and discuss the latest policy changes that impact the sector and your communities.
- Share your insights: Contribute your knowledge and experiences through Q&A and open discussion about the growing inequalities and issues for diverse regional communities.
- Network with peers: Develop relationships with other community sector organisations and stakeholders to strengthen cross-system coordination and connection.
Register here: https://events.humanitix.com/regional-forum-wagga-wagga
Critical support for women with refugee and migrant backgrounds
The NSW Council of Social Service and Linking Communities Network are hosting an afternoon workshop to discuss the essential support needed for women with migrant and refugee backgrounds in the Riverina—especially those escaping domestic and family violence.
This workshop is a satellite event after the Regional Forum and will be held in Wagga Wagga on April 1.
This workshop is for community organisations, government agencies, local councils,
and people with lived experience.
Domestic Violence NSW (DVNSW) will present their new report, Breaking Barriers: Critical Support for Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing DFV in NSW. After that, we’ll hold a discussion about the challenges women with migrant and refugee backgrounds face and how to improve support in the Riverina.
- Hear from experts – Learn about the latest findings on challenges and advocacy for women on temporary visas and local services supporting women with migrant and refugee backgrounds.
- Share your experiences – Join an open discussion and Q&A about on-the-ground issues and solutions.
- Connect with others – Meet people from different organisations and strengthen community support networks.
Register here: https://events.humanitix.com/support-women-refugee-migrant-background-riverina
For any questions, contact Michelle Shackleton at michelle@ncoss.org.au.
Gambling Harm Submission Deadline Extended
Caption: Liquor and Gaming NSW logo.
The NSW Government has extended the deadline for submissions to the consultations on Third Party Exclusion and Facial Recognition Technology in clubs and hotels. Submissions will now close on Friday 28th March. The consultations can be found here.
Wesley are happy to support organisations who may need assistance in putting together a submission. They have developed a number of cohort fact sheets that may be helpful for organisations considering a submission, those and additional resources can be found at Gambling reform | What we’re calling for. (Please note that these fact sheets are currently being finalised and so are not for general distribution.)
Youth Week Art Competition
Caption: Cartoon image of paints, brushes and
pencils. Text reads: "Youth Week 2025. Creative Art Competition."
To celebrate Youth Week, Advocate for Children and Young People are running a creative arts competition for children and young people aged 12-24, who live in NSW.
This competition is their chance to celebrate everything that makes them unique, strong and the future. That’s why this year’s theme is interactive, and children and young people are able to add their own quality, such as 'I am proud', 'I am strong', 'I am awesome.'
There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place chosen for each of the 3 age groups. All winners will get a 6 month membership to Skillshare and the following prizes:- 1st place: iPad 10 Gen
- 2nd place: $300 voucher for Eckersley’s or Officeworks
- 3rd place: $200 voucher for Eckersley’s or Officeworks.
Submissions close Sunday, 13 April 2025.
Learn more about the competition here.
Caption: Cancer Council logo.
Cancer Council NSW are currently recruiting not-for-profit, non-government Community Service Organisations to participate in the Tackling Tobacco program in 2025/26. Expressions of Interest are NOW OPEN and will close Friday 11th April. Successful organisations will receive newly redeveloped training for staff, dedicated support from a Cancer Council staff member, policy review/creation, Tackling Tobacco resources, and more! A financial grant of up to $5,000 may also be available on application, to eligible organisations. If you work with or for a Community Service Organisation and are passionate about helping people quit smoking, please complete the EOI form or
contact the Tackling Tobacco team on (02) 9334 1911 or tacklingtobacco@nswcc.org.au for more information.
Youth Advisory Council Applications Open
Caption: Cartoon images of different faces with text
reading NSW YAC.
The NSW Youth Advisory Council is looking for 12 young people from diverse backgrounds who are passionate about addressing the issues impacting children and young people in NSW.
The NSW Youth Advisory Council plays an important role in advising the NSW Government on subjects relevant to young people across the state. The 12 positions of the council are open to young people from diverse locations, life experiences and backgrounds between 12 and 24 years of age, living in NSW.
Questions? Feel free to contact the office on (02) 9248 0970 or acyp@acyp.nsw.gov.au. Apply online before 20 April 2025. Find out more here.
Webinar on New Renting Laws Tenants Union NSW 20 March, 6pm, Online Free | Link to meeting here
Are you still wondering what is happening to rent increases, eviction, and pets with the new changes to renting law in NSW? We are hosting a webinar for you to tune into online about the New Renting Laws.
This webinar is designed for renters to discuss the new renting laws.
Shining a Light on Ageism COTA NSW 21 March, Sydney Mechanics School of Arts Free | Register here
Age Discrimination Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM will kick off the session with an insightful keynote, followed by a panel discussion with Varsha Yajman and Jane Caro AM, who will lead the conversation on the impact of ageism, share stories of resilience, and discuss how we can challenge age-related stereotypes.
Connections: Nurturing Positive Relationships COTA NSW 27 March, Sydney Mechanics School of Arts Free | Register here
As we age,
maintaining strong social connections becomes vital for our emotional and physical well-being. Meaningful relationships can improve our quality of life and help us stay engaged and fulfilled.
Join Elisabeth Shaw, CEO of Relationships Australia NSW, and Gohar Yazdabadi, CEO of COTA NSW, as they discuss practical advice on cultivating lasting relationships and the positive impact social connections have on our well-being.
NFP Insurance Week Webinars Institute of Community Directors Australia 24-28 March, Online Free | Register here Activities during Not-for-Profit Insurance Week will centre around an information packed series of free webinars, where you can have your questions answered.
You'll also have the opportunity to receive insurance advice and support for not-for-profit organisations.
Cultural Competency for working effectively with Aboriginal Families and Aboriginal Colleagues LEAD Professional Development 25 March, Seven
Hills $90 - $150 | Register here
This one day in-person workshop will help you navigate the levels of cultural competency. It has been designed to equip you with strategies and strengthen your practice skills to build effective working
relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families (clients) and colleagues.
You will explore the key themes and capabilities of cultural competency and understand how culturally appropriate policies and procedures can be embedded in your organisational culture.
Workshop: Fundamentals of culturally responsive practice Settlement Services International 13 May, 9:30am to 12:30pm, Online $170 | Register here
Culturally responsive practice training is a reflective process which
helps participants gain an insight into how their own cultural perspective impacts on their interactions with others as well as how culture influences other people’s worldview. Through activities and facilitated conversations participants will develop strategies for effective communication, meaningful engagement, and respectful interactions which respond to the unique context of each individual and family.
Benefolk Income Summit
Benefolk 19 May - 6 June, Online $45 - $295 | Register here
This summit
is all about ways you can strengthen and tweak your existing efforts to supercharge income, financial sustainability and resilience.
Hear from experienced advisors about financial sustainability insights, leveraging IP online, driving cost efficiencies, fundraising campaigns, corporate and government, grant writing and much more.
NADA Conference 2025 NADA 5–6 June, Sydney $200 - $714 | Register here
This conference will attract delegates from across NSW, the broader Australian alcohol and other drug sector and other health and human services.
Showcasing interventions designed to improve outcomes for clients, this event will inform with new ideas, engage with the evidence base and provide networking opportunities.
2025 NAIDOC Grants Program Closing Date: 21 April 2025
The Objective of the 2025 NAIDOC Grants Program is to support events and activities in NSW marking NAIDOC week that:
- Celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements
- Align with the theme of NAIDOC Week in 2025 - The Next Generation: Strength, Vision & Legacy
- Promote a greater awareness and understanding of Aboriginal history and/or culture within the broader local or regional community.
For more information, please visit the grant information page.
Disaster Ready Fund Closing Date: 2 April 2025The Disaster Ready Fund Round 3 is open for applications from eligible applicants delivering disaster resilience and mitigation projects. The objectives of the program are to:
- increase the understanding of natural disaster impacts, as a first step towards reducing the risk of future natural disaster impacts,
- increase the resilience, adaptive capacity and/or preparedness of governments, community service organisations and affected communities to future natural disasters to minimise the potential impact of natural hazards and reduce the risk of future natural disasters, and
- reduce the exposure to risk, harm and/or severity of a future natural disaster’s impacts, including reducing the recovery burden for governments, cohorts at disproportionate risk, and/or affected communities.
For more information, please visit the grant information page.
Social Justice Small Grants Closing Date: 4 April 2025The Mercy Foundation’s Social Justice Small Grants Program provides seed funding to assist communities and organisations to build capacity that will help create structural change and bring about greater social justice in Australia.
Funding under this program ranges between $1,000 to $10,000 per organisation.For more information, please visit the grant information page.
Pride Foundation Australia Closing Date: 14 April 2025
This grant provides small funds to grassroots community organisations that improve the resources and connection for the LGBTQIA+ community.
For more information, please visit the grant information page.
Caption: Text reading "Closing Soon!"
NSW Government Cultural Grants ProgramCultural Grants Program Closing Date: 21 March 2025
The Cultural Grants Program support Aboriginal community organisations and groups across NSW to celebrate Aboriginal culture and hold cultural events and activities.
For more information, please visit the grant information page.
Mazda Foundation Grants Closing Date: 31 March 2025
The priorities for the foundation this year are:
- Community based organisations with projects to strengthen and build resilience in primary producer communities.
- Programs addressing literacy and numeracy issues amongst primary school aged children, especially remedial programs for children from disadvantaged areas.
For more information, please visit the grant information page.
NAB Foundation Community Grants Closing Date: 31 March 2025
This grant provides funding of up to $25,000 for local projects that help communities withstand and recover from natural disasters, including:
- Educational workshops, practical and strategic planning that help communities prepare for a natural disaster.
- Programs to enhance community connection, resilience and wellbeing post natural disaster. Restoration of damaged vegetation and habitat, and rehabilitation of injured wildlife.
- Tools, equipment and infrastructure improvements that help communities withstand natural disasters or recover in their aftermath.
For more information, please visit the grant information page.
Some of the latest from our Jobs Board:
Multicultural Access Program Coordinator (Western Sydney) - SydWest Multicultural Services - VIEW JOB
Media and Communications Lead (Inner City Sydney) - Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies - VIEW JOB
Youth Worker (Inner West Sydney) - Detour House Inc - VIEW JOB
Case Manager The Girls Refuge (Inner City Sydney) - Detour House - VIEW JOB
Client Intake Officer (Sydney CBD) - ACON Health - VIEW JOB
Rural and Regional Counsellor (Northern Rivers) - STARTTS - VIEW JOB
NCOSS gives its members the opportunity to share their stories, research, resources, events and more through NCOSS eNews. If you have something to share with the sector, send through a short blurb (50-70 words), image (250 x 250px) and relevant links to info@ncoss.org.au.
We will endeavour to add it to an edition of NCOSS e-News (goes out every fortnight on Wednesday morning). Deadline for content is 5:00pm on Monday, the week of publication. The next deadline is Monday, 31 March 2025.
NCOSS gratefully acknowledges the support of
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