7 December 2023
Virtual Care research launch
Last Tuesday, we released our report on experiences with virtual care – An Exploration of The Experiences of Virtual Care in NSW. Undertaken for us by the University of Sydney, the study involved interviews with individuals and focus groups with participants in urban, regional, rural and remote areas of NSW.
Over 60% of the research participants were living on a low income and 50% lived outside Sydney. Our recommendations focused on prioritising equity of access for those most excluded, and investing in the sector’s capability and capacity. Scroll down to NCOSS News for more information, including the key findings.
Cybersecurity in the sector
NCOSS and WorkVentures are partnering in a pilot project to start building an
understanding of the level of cybersecurity risk in the sector, especially in small to medium-sized organisations.
In the initial phase, WorkVentures will conduct free cybersecurity assessments for 10 sector organisations and prepare reports with tailored recommendations for action they can take to their Boards. Deidentified findings from the pilot phase will also be used to begin establishing an evidence base outlining the nature and the scope of key risks; potential impacts for services, service users and government; and how they can best be identified and ameliorated.
We’ll shortly be briefing key peaks on the project and seeking their assistance in identifying a diverse range of sector organisations we can approach with an invitation to participate. With a growing understanding of the seriousness of cybersecurity risks, we envisage building on the pilot phase in the second half of 2024 and beyond. We’ll keep you posted.
New research on social infrastructure investment
We’re excited to soon be
launching new research on social infrastructure investment prepared for NCOSS by the highly respected economist, Dr Angela Jackson, and the team at Impact Economics and Policy.
While much of the public debate has been focused on housing and physical infrastructure (which are critical), there is a significant gap in the discourse – the need to invest in social infrastructure.
As our population grows, we need to invest in homelessness supports, neighbourhood and community centres, domestic and family violence services, social housing, tenancy supports, mental health supports. We’ll be briefing sector peaks on the findings in coming days and will launch the report before
the end of the year. Watch this space!
Upcoming Regional Members Meeting Our last Regional Members Meeting of the year will take place tomorrow, from 10:00, online. It’s not too late to register. Just email a request to register to francesca@ncoss.org.au.
During the meeting we'd love to get your input on our pre-budget submission for next year's state budget, and we'll be discussing the future of Regional Members Meetings. NCOSS 2023 AGM At our AGM on Friday, 24 November, we farewelled retiring Directors, Beverly Baker and Jack Whitney, and welcomed Mark Degotardi and Jenna Roberts to the NCOSS Board. We also welcomed back Elfa Moraitakis, who was re-elected. The NCOSS team looks forward to working with the new Board. Scroll down to NCOSS News for more details. 2023 Kim Santow Law & Social Justice Panel
Last week, I was honoured to be part of the panel with Dr Anna Cody, Thomas Costa, Emily Hamilton and Rosa Loria at the University of Sydney’s 2023
Kim Santow Law and Social Justice Panel. Supported by the Kim Santow Law and Social Justice Fund, this annual panel discussion closely examines contemporary socio-legal issues, with social justice and human rights considerations central to the discussion. This year, the discussion centred around the question of whether there is a looming crisis in social justice recruitment. It was facilitated by Professor Simon Ross, OAM. The panellists were united in our view that there are real challenges faced by the sector when it comes to the workforce. Governments need to understand the risks this creates for our communities, and the need for urgent action, including increased funding for the sector, more funding certainty, and responding to the cost-of-living crisis. The NCOSS team welcomes two new faces In the last few weeks, NCOSS has welcomed two new faces to the team – our new Business Support Lead, David Gbogbo, and Communications Officer, Melanie Barnes. Both Dave and Mel have deep roots in the sector and we’re delighted they’ve come on board. Feel free to drop them a line! NCOSS Lived Experience Advocacy Panel Through the year, we have been working to establish our first Lived Experience Advocacy Panel. One goal in our Strategic Plan focuses on further amplifying the voices of those with lived experience, and the creation of this group is a critical step. We will be holding an induction for the inaugural members next week and look forward to working with them to further improve our research, advocacy and organisational competency.
Ben McAlpine, Acting NCOSS CEO
An Exploration of the Experiences of Virtual Care in NSW
Caption: A graphic showing a woman in orange holding a computer and text 'An exploration of the experiences
of virtual care in NSW'.
NCOSS has released its research exploring the lived experiences of virtual care in NSW.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual care has expanded rapidly. The availability and choice to use virtual care has catered to many people in the community, providing more convenience, flexibility and comfort to their lives. However, this experience is not universal and
there are still significant groups of people struggling to access and use it.
The findings in this research highlight the benefits of virtual care and the value of continuing it as an option alongside in person care. While they are broadly positive, they also show the stark digital health divide that exists in our community. There is still much to do to address the systemic and structural barriers to accessing and using virtual care.
Our recommendations, developed in consultation with key stakeholders, aim to improve the way virtual care is accessed and delivered so that all members of the community can benefit from the invaluable service and the impact that high-quality healthcare has on peoples’ lives.
New Directors Welcomed at NCOSS AGM
Caption: Young Tribal
Warrior performer, Ashleigh, participating in a cultural dance. Photo credit Cate Reilly
NCOSS’ 2023 AGM was held last Friday on Gadigal land at the Paul Ramsay Foundation’s landmark building, Yirranma Place. We were pleased to welcome some 60 members, friends and supporters in-person and online.
Instead of hosting an event in what has been yet another big year for everyone, we opted to partner with Tribal Warrior to support and promote their new WorkFit program, which brings a First Nations lens to helping Indigenous people – especially those existing corrections – to gain employment skills by also providing appropriate cultural supports.
Aunty Donna Ingram from Tribal Warrior gave the Welcome to Country, and we were treated to a cultural dance by Tribal Warrior performers, Sarah and Ashleigh Johnson and Keara Nauman. Robert Barnett
played the yidaki (aka didgeridoo for those of us there who didn’t know that 'didgeridoo' is derived from a Scottish word). We also heard from Jeremy Wright from Rotary Strathfield, which has partnered with Tribal Warrior to develop and deliver WorkFit. Jeremy spoke about Tribal Warrior's inportant work and what makes WorkFit different.
Thanks Aunty Donna, Sarah, Keara, Ashleigh, Robert and Jeremy for being part of our AGM.
NCOSS President, John Robertson, reiterated the need for the sector to be funded sustainably, noting that the current contracting and
funding model is broken and sector organisations need to be properly funded to meet need and manage the increasingly complex risks imposed on us.
Caption: Tribal Warrior's Robert Barnett and his yidaki. Photo credit Cate Reilly
NCOSS President, John Robertson, reiterated the need for the sector to be funded sustainably, noting that the current contracting and funding model is broken and sector organisations need to be properly funded to meet need and manage the increasingly complex risks imposed on us.
Acting NCOSS CEO, Ben McAlpine, called out some of NCOSS’ major achievements over the 2022-23 financial year and beyond under Joanna Quilty’s leadership. He said he was optimistic for the future, noting the NSW Government’s upcoming Secure Jobs, Funding Certainty Taskforce would play a critical role in ensuring the sector could continue to deliver beyond expectations.
Caption: NCOSS Acting CEO, Ben McAlpine, reflects on sector achievements at the NCOSS 2023 AGM. Photo credit Cate Reilly
We welcomed new Directors, Mark Degotardi, CEO of NCOSS member organisation, CHIA, and Jenna Roberts, an individual NCOSS member and a Deputy Commissioner at the Mental Health Commission of NSW. We also welcomed back Elfa Moraitakis, CEO of NCOSS member organisation, SydWest Multicultural Services, who was re-elected. And we farewelled Jack Whitney, an individual member and former President of the NSW Branch of the Australian Association of Social Workers and Bev Baker, Chair of NCOSS member organisation, Older Women’s Network. Jack stood down at the AGM because he has taken up a new role overseas, while Bev stood down to better manage her many commitments, including grandmother duties. We’re looking forward to working with our new Board and wish Jack and Bev all the best.
Caption: Detail from the NCOSS Annual Report 2022/2023.
The NCOSS Annual Report is now out. Read about the highlights from the past year, including launching the Mapping Economic Disadvantage in NSW report, advocating for gaming reform, exposing the real cost of living for those doing it tough, and addressing the aftermath of natural disasters. Noteworthy achievements include securing a $1.3 million increase in recurrent core funding, reflecting NCOSS's vital role in supporting disadvantaged populations in New South Wales.
Read the full report here.
What are the Benefits and Challenges of Virtual Care?
Caption: Photo of Acting NCOSS CEO, Ben McAlpine.
NCOSS Acting CEO Ben McAlpine spoke to ABC Illawarra radio about the findings of a new report.
New NCOSS research has found the experience of virtual care is broadly positive, but there is a stark digital health divide that exists in our community. There is still much to do to address the systemic and structural barriers to accessing and using virtual care.
Listen to the interview here.
How Pokies Profits Have Funded Tax-Deductible Spending Within Australian Clubs
The Guardian published an article on 26 November 2023 about how NSW clubs still gain tax breaks when they spend gaming proceeds on themselves or their affiliates, instead of donating it to community groups.
Former New South Wales Council of Social Service chief executive Joanna Quilty was quoted in the article and said clubs were using the scheme to “feather their own nests” and compared it to pork barelling.
Read the full article
Community & Disability Services Workers: ASU/NSW survey
closes tomorrow!
Caption: Two hands hold a mobile phone with the text "SURVEY: Cliick here for more information." Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik
The ASU has commissioned UNSW researchers to survey Community and Disability Service workers to better understand your experiences and continue to improve working conditions and pay – and you are invited to participate! But hurry. The survey closes tomorrow. If, after reading the Participant Information you would like further information or to talk to one of the researchers, please email Natasha Cortis. While participation
of all SACS workers will help us build an accurate picture of the issues affecting us, taking part in this research study is voluntary. Choosing not to take part will not affect your relationship with the ASU, your employer, or The University of New South Wales. If you participate, at the end of the survey you will be given the option to go into a prize draw to win one of 5 x $100 online shopping vouchers (Coles-Myer), as a token of our appreciation. This research has been reviewed and approved by The UNSW Human Research Ethics Panel. If you would like further information about the study please contact the research team. If you have any complaints or concerns about the research study please email humanethics@unsw.edu.au or phone +61 2 9385 6222 and
quote iRECS4629.
Employment Services Reform
Caption: An image of MP Julian Hill
promoting the webinar on employment services reform.
ACOSS Policy Webinar Series: Employment Services Reform Mon 11th Dec 2023, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm AEDT Free | REGISTER
In this instalment of the ACOSS Policy Webinar Series, we will delve into the findings and recommendations of the major Parliamentary inquiry into employment services
chaired by Labor MP Julian Hill. After a year and a half of submissions and hearings, the inquiry is set to conclude at the end of November.
Julian Hill MP will present the Committee's insights, addressing long-standing criticisms of Australia's employment services system, including issues such as rising long-term unemployment, a focus on compliance over public service, and perverse incentives for providers.
Health Summer Preparedness Briefing: NSW Health
Caption: Social media tile promoting
the NGO Summer preparedness webinar. Image supplied by NSW Health
NSW Health is holding a webinar for social and health NGOs on Thursday 7 December on the health risks of heatwave and bushfire this summer and how people and services can prepare. The webinar will cover:
- Forecasted risks this summer - heat and bushfire
- Effects of heat and heatwaves on the body
- Emergency management heatwave planning and how communities and services can prepare
- Key messages and resources of the NSW Health – Beat the Heat campaign, launched by NSW Health on 17 November.
The briefing is designed for service managers looking to prepare their organisations for the risk of heatwave this summer and frontline staff working with at risk groups
and individuals. The sector briefing was requested by NCOSS after a National Emergency Management Agency briefing in October advised of an increased risk of heatwave and bushfires this summer.
Register at the link and email Health's stakeholder engagement team with any questions.
Justice Connect: Reinstate our funding!
Caption: Image from Justice Connect
Take action: Email a letter to the NSW Government in support of reinstating Not-for-profit Law’s funding so we can continue to support a strong and vibrant NSW community sector.
Justice Connect’s Not-for-profit Law program is the only nationally available source of free legal support for community organisations across Australia.
A year ago, the NSW Government stopped funding our work. We were forced to scale back our free legal advice services in NSW and turn away organisations that are unable to get free legal help elsewhere. We also had to let go of talented staff whose roles we could no longer fund.
A year on, our work in NSW is still unfunded. We now have no choice but to cut off our NSW advice services completely and start removing our tailored online legal information resources for NSW-based community organisations from our website because we no longer have the funding to keep them up to date and legally accurate.
Read more about the campaign and send an email to your MP here.
Homelessness Australia: Take the survey
Caption: A red 'do not' sign with text 'Don't cut homelessness funding'.
Homelessness Australia has been raising the issue
of funding adequacy with the Federal Government and will now escalate this campaign.
The first step is to hear from you about the adequacy of homelessness resourcing to meet need and the impact on clients and workers of increasing demand.
Everywhere we go we hear how rising rents and record low vacancy rates are pushing more people into homelessness and making it harder for people fleeing violence and others who've lost their home to gain a new tenancy.
Can you tell us what is happening in your work and the service you work in?
The survey only takes 2 minutes to complete.
Once we have enough survey data we'll use this evidence to make the case to Government for
more funding.
Please also share the survey with other workers and services in your networks.
Take the survey here.
Mission Australia's Youth Survey Report
Caption: Two young women smiling and text Mission Australia Youth Survey 2023.
Mission Australia surveyed 19,501 young people
between 15-19 years. These are the most pressing issues facing young people right now.
The environment (44%), equity and discrimination (31%), the economy and financial matters (31%) and mental health (30%) topped the issues they considered most important in Australia today.
Read the full survey results here.
Caption: Image of 'Fake Fact Project' logo on a yellow background.
Agent C All Together Now, Headspace and Urbis Online Free I Register below
All Together Now, in partnership with Headspace Campbeltown and Urbis, are running a free
program called Agent C for any young person aged 14-21 years, school or service in NSW. Funded by Multicultural NSW, the program includes 3 x 1.5-hour online sessions through Zoom, available until May 2024. Agent C has been co-designed by young people, for young people. The program aims to provide specialised training for young people who want to enhance their confidence, skills and understanding of misinformation, fake news, conspiracy theories and online speech.
How to apply?
- If you are a young person aged 14-21
who lives in NSW, please express your interest here or contact us via agentc@alltogethernow.org.au
- If you are a school or youth service based in NSW and would like to participate in the program with your school, class, or service, send us an email at agentc@alltogethernow.org.au.
Network of Alcohol & other Drugs Agencies
Closing Date: 13 December 2024
Current financial members of NADA and/or non-government organisations that receive government funding (NSW or Commonwealth) to provide alcohol and other drugs (AOD) prevention, harm reduction and/or treatment services in NSW are invited to apply for funding under the NGO Service Development Grant Program.
Grant funds can be used for costs related to information technology, refurbishment, amenity upgrades, and equipment that will support organisations to meet the current demand for AOD services and future care needs of people seeking AOD support.
A total funding pool of $2,088,000 is available across three grant categories:
- Up to $25,000 ex GST
- Between $25,000 and $100,000 ex GST
- Between $100,000 and $300,000 ex GST.
For more information, visit the grant information page.
Disability Employment Advocacy and Information Program Closing Date: 18 January 2024
The Australian Government is inviting organisations via an open process to apply to deliver services under the Disability Employment Advocacy and Information program (the advocacy program) from 2023–24 to 2026–27.
$9.8 million is available from 2023–24 to 2026–27 for the advocacy program. The advocacy program will be open to a single
provider or consortium who can provide the following disability employment specific services Australia wide:
- case based advocacy support, where people with high support needs and their families would have the opportunity to access short term, one-on-one assistance to solve a particular employment issue
- group based workshops, events or information sessions for people with high support needs – both online and in
For more information, visit the grant information page.
NSW Storm & Flood Disaster Recovery Small Business Grant Service NSW Closing Date: Friday, 15 December 2023
If you're a small business or a not-for-profit organisation in NSW and you've been directly impacted by storms and floods from 4 August 2022 or 14 September 2022 onwards, you may be eligible for a storm and flood disaster recovery small business grant.
This disaster recovery grant of up to $50,000 is to help pay for the costs of clean-up and reinstatement of a small business or not-for-profit organisation’s operations.
For more information, visit the grant information page.
Caption: Text reading "Closing Soon!"
National Justice Reinvestment Program Attorney General's Department (Aus Gov) Closing Date: Thursday, 7 December 2023
The Australian Government is inviting applications through an open non-competitive process to deliver justice reinvestment initiatives.
Funding is available from 2023-24 to 2025-26 for up to 30 place-based community-led justice reinvestment initiatives. The National Justice Reinvestment Program is an ongoing program beyond 2025-26.
This grant opportunity aims to support the development and delivery of community and First Nations-led justice reinvestment initiatives across Australia, by supporting:
- the development, implementation, and evaluation of local justice reinvestment strategies and activities
- local project teams and leadership structures to undertake the work of developing, implementing and evaluating justice reinvestment strategies.
For more information, visit the grant information page.
Disaster Ready Fund - Round 2 NSW
Government Closing Date for EOI: Friday, 8 December 2023
The Australian Government has established the Disaster Ready Fund (DRF), to help communities protect themselves against the impacts of natural hazards across Australia.
If you wish to apply to Round 2 of the DRF, you must participate in the NSW Expression of Interest (EOI), open from 6 November 2023 to 8 December 2023. This is a mandatory part of the process for applicants who wish to be considered for the DRF Round 2 NSW application.
Some of the latest from our Jobs
Aboriginal Case Worker (Macarthur) - Macarthur Family and Youth Services - VIEW JOB
Official Community Visitor
(NSW wide) - Ageing and Disability Commission - VIEW JOB
Director of Early Learning Service (Canberra ACT) - Anglicare - VIEW JOB
Digital Marketing & Communications Officer (South West Sydney) - NSW STARTTS - VIEW JOB
Events Project Officer (South West Sydney) - NSW STARTTS - VIEW JOB
Aboriginal AOD Worker (Hawkesbury, Penrith x 2) - WHOS (We Help Ourselves) - VIEW JOB, VIEW
Case Worker (Newcastle) - WHOS (We Help Ourselves) - VIEW JOB
Financial Advocacy Officer - Seniors Rights Service - VIEW JOB
NCOSS gives its members the opportunity to share their stories, research, resources, events and more through NCOSS eNews. If you have something to share with the sector, send through a short blurb (50-70 words), image (250 x 250px) and relevant links to info@ncoss.org.au.
We will endeavour to add it to an edition of NCOSS e-News (goes out every fortnight on Thursday morning). Deadline for content is 5:00pm on Monday, the week of publication. The next deadline is
Monday, 19 December 2023.
NCOSS gratefully acknowledges the support of
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