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CEO Update

11 July 2024


Happy NAIDOC Week! This year’s theme – Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud – reminds us that despite the results of last year’s referendum, the struggle for rights and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is far from over.

In recognition of the important role artists play in this struggle, NCOSS has launched an art competition for young First Nations artists to design the cover of our annual report this year. Please help us spread the word about this great opportunity. Scroll down to see all the details.
Image: NCOSS staff participating at AbSec’s Family Fun Day in Marrickville yesterday.
COSS network meetup

Last week, the Queensland Council of Social Service hosted a gathering of COSS network CEOs. We discussed our collective efforts in advocating for raising the rate of JobSeeker, and other initiatives to support people living on low incomes.

Together, as a network of Councils, we can achieve a greater impact than we can as individuals. As the newest member to join this impressive network, I want to thank my colleagues for making me feel welcome and for the generosity they have shown in sharing their wisdom.

Image: NCOSS CEO Cara Varian, VCOSS CEO Juanita Pope, TasCOSS CEO Adrienne Picone, QCOSS CEO Aimee McVeigh, ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie, SACOSS CEO Ross Womersley, WACOSS CEO Louise Giolitto.
Gambling Reform

From July 1, new measures have been introduced to minimise harm from pokies. These require venues with more than 20 gaming machines to now have a dedicated Responsible Gaming Officer on duty while gaming machines are in operation.

I’m pleased to see these measures taking effect. Read our media release for more details on the changes but want to see much more action taken by the NSW government to ensure that we are reducing gambling harm in our state.

Indexation for the Community Services Sector

NCOSS has been in communication with the Government regarding indexation for 2024/25. We have been informed that the Fair Work Commission’s decision to increase the minimum award by 3.75% will be fully covered through indexation by the NSW Government. However, NCOSS is still seeking clarification as to whether this is the total indexation amount, and whether it applies to all community service programs (including those funded by the Department of Communities and Justice, Department of Health, Department of Education, Department of Transport, and NSW Fair Trading).

We have also reinforced the importance of an evidence-based, transparent and consistent approach to indexation. We will keep you informed as soon as we hear more.   

Cara Varian, NCOSS CEO


NCOSS Launches Youth Art Competition

If you are a young First Nations person living in NSW, you can enter the NCOSS art competition.

The winning design will be featured on the front cover of our annual report this year. Plus, the winning artist will be paid $2500 for the use of their work.

As we reflect on the results from last year's referendum on the Voice to Parliament, we're thinking about what comes next. We'd like you to reflect on the theme: 'Towards Self Determination".

The competition closes on Friday, 13 September, 2024. For all of the details, please visit the NCOSS website.

Help us spread the word about this great opportunity by sharing this flyer with your network.

NCOSS Post Budget Breakfast
Feedback Request

If you attended the NCOSS Post Budget Breakfast either online or in person, could you please fill in this quick feedback survey?

We really enjoyed bringing together sector colleagues and other important sector stakeholders and hosting an essential conversation between parliamentarians, public service and community sector leaders.

Please assist us to make it an even better occasion next year by sharing any thoughts that you might have about the event.  

Take the survey.
Post Budget Breakfast on Youtube
You can now watch the video of this year's Post Budget Breakfast on YouTube. Watch the NSW Treasurer and Shadow Treasurer give a short speech about the recent budget, followed by a panel of NGO leaders on the issues that matter to the NSW social service sector.

Watch it at this link.
NSW Legislative Council Parliamentary Inquiries Workshop
How to have your say and maximise your influence

Do you work for a non-government organisation and want to know more about Parliamentary Inquiries, so that you can participate and influence policy decisions? Do you want to build your skills in writing submissions or in appearing as a witness?

Facilitated by staff members of the NSW Legislative Council parliamentary committees, as well as by the NCOSS Policy & Advocacy team, this workshop is most useful for people who have limited or no experience in writing submissions or taking part in hearings. It is also well-regarded by those who would like to refresh their knowledge and skills in the subject areas.

We have secured two dates for our members:
Option 1: Wednesday, 25 September 2024 @ 8:45am-1:00pm

Option 2: Wednesday, 13 November 2024 @ 8:45am-1:00pm

The workshops will be held at NSW Parliament House, 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney.

Registrations will open shortly. Spaces are limited – only 20 in each session – so keep an out for more information in upcoming issues of eNews!
Sector News
Invitation for Community Director nominations
Caption: Logo of Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW.
The Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) is calling for nominations for one Community Director for the EWON Board for a 3-year term commencing 31 October 2024.  

The Board is responsible for corporate governance, funding, and strategy. Under EWON’s Constitution the Board consists of five Industry Directors, five Community Directors and an Independent Chair.

For more information, please visit the EWON website.

Gambling Harm Minimisation Course
Caption: Image of two people sitting down clasping hands.
Are you working with clients who are experiencing negative impacts from gambling?

This course, presented in conjunction with the Office of Responsible Gambling and CCWT is a 3.5 hour workshop on Gambling Harm Minimisation, which will provide you with strategies for working with these clients.

The workshop is targeted at social workers, counsellors and other community sector workers.

This course is accredited by the Association of Community Workers Australia as 3.5 CPD hours.

Find out more information here.
Youpla Support Program
Caption: Text reads: "Youpla Support Program."
Services Australia (Centrelink) is working with the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) to deliver the Youpla Support Program starting in July 2024.

From 1 July 2024 the Youpla Support Program will replace the existing Treasury Program.

Services Australia (Centrelink) will work with the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) to deliver resolution payments to eligible Youpla claimants.

Further information on the Youpla Support Program can be found on the NIAA website or Services Australia website.
Research study: Understanding Gambling Screening in Health Care
Caption: Image of University of Sydney logo.
Researchers at the University of Sydney are conducting a study about what influences clinicians and social workers to screen for gambling problems within their professional or voluntary practice.

They are seeking doctors, nurses, financial counsellors, mental health professionals, social workers, legal aid providers and other social service workers to participate in the study.

For more information, please visit their website.
    New Report on Supported Playgroups
Caption: Image of two adults reading a book to children sitting in a circle on the floor.
Family and Community Services Insights, Analysis and Research (FACSIAR) in DCJ has recently published a report summarising the evidence base for supported playgroups.

The report includes looking at best practice elements that can guide playgroup design, service planning and implementation.

It found that supported playgroups can improve child outcomes, including language, cognition, behaviour, socialisation, transition to school; and parent outcomes, including attachment, responsiveness, and social connection.

Read the full report and a summary here.
    Seniors Rights Service Board Nominations
Caption: Seniors Rights Service logo.
Seniors Rights Service is an advocacy service on behalf of older people in New South Wales.
They are currently seeking nominations for people to join their Board. They have put a public call out for nominations and are encouraging people from First Nation’s backgrounds to apply. The nomination process ends on 4 August.

Information on the nomination process can be found here: Board Membership - Seniors Rights Service.
Training & Events
Webinar for Frontline Workers and Managers
NSW Ageing and Disability Commission
31 July, online

Free | Register here

The webinar will equip you with information about the ADC's work to support older people and adults with disability to live free from abuse in their family, home and community.

The webinar will include information about:
  • The role and work of the NSW Ageing and Disability Commission
  • The different types of abuse, neglect and exploitation of older people and adults with disability within the family, home and community
  • How you can identify and respond to the abuse, neglect and exploitation of older people and adults with disability in their family, home and community.
Launch of Homelessness Week
Homelessness Australia
5 August, online
Free | Register here

Join us for the launch of Homelessness Week 2024. Speakers include:

  • The Minister for Housing and Homelessness, the Hon Julie Collins MP will join the event on a live link from Canberra
  • Australia's National Children's Commissioner, Anne Hollonds giving a keynote presentation on children's homelessness
  • Frances Crimmins, CEO YWCA Canberra about family violence and homelessness
  • Dom Rowe, CEO, Homelessness NSW about the states of response to homelessness for families and children in NSW.
On the Run (Accidental) Counselling
LEAD Professional Development Association
8 August, Tamworth Powerhouse Hotel
| Register here

While you are not a formally trained counsellor, do you often find yourself in situations where you need to respond to someone’s distress, concerns, or strong emotions?

Whether it’s a colleague under pressure, a parent navigating challenges, or a child and family facing difficulties, these “accidental counselling” moments can be challenging to navigate.

This full-day transformative workshop is designed to equip you with the tools to become a more effective and empathetic communicator, responding appropriately to those who are distressed.
Australian Zero Homelessness Summit
Australian Alliance to End Homelessness

16 October, Fremantle
$65-$250 | Register here

Ticket registrations are now open for the Australian Zero Homelessness Summit!

Co-hosted by the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness and Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness, the Summit provides an opportunity for organisations, communities and individuals to come together and work towards an end to homelessness.

You’ll hear from leaders around the world that have ended homelessness or are making significant progress towards this goal.

NSW Aboriginal Child & Family Conference
12-14 November, Western Sydney Conference Centre
TBA | Register here

This hallmark event will bring together leaders, professionals, and advocates from across the child protection sector, all dedicated to the safety and nurturing of Aboriginal children and families.

  • Inspiring keynote speakers
  • Interactive workshops and sessions
  • Networking opportunities
  • Cultural performances
  • Special announcements and more
Youth Work Conference
Youth Action
31 October - 1 November, Dubbo
$180 - $350
| Register here

Registrations for the Listen, Learn & Celebrate NSW Youth Work Conference and Awards are open! This year it will be held on Wiradjuri Country at Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo.

The conference will have
professional development sessions with a focus on youth work practice, youth work research, policy and advocacy and organisational management.
Grant Opportunities
Paul Ramsay Foundation Experimental Evaluation Grant
Closing Date: 23 July 2024

Expressions of interest are now open for seven available grants, up to a maximum of $300,000 each, to fund evaluations of social impact programs that align with the Paul Ramsay Foundation's purpose of a future where people and places have what they need to thrive.

The grants are open to registered charities and non-profit organisations who are implementing, or intend to implement, programs that improve outcomes aligned to PRF’s outcomes which are:

  • Children and young people have positive life paths free from entrenched poverty and harm.
  • Places and communities are connected and imagining and leading their own futures.
  • Conditions support thriving.
  • First Nations people and communities are self-determining.

For more information, please visit the grant information page.

Westpac Social Change Fellowship
Closing Date: 24 July 2024

The Westpac Social Change Fellowship is an incredible opportunity for social entrepreneurs to spend time investing in their skills, leadership capabilities and networks. A truly bespoke offering, the fellowship is completely tailored to the individual and is designed to offer experiential learning opportunities that will help you drive sustainable positive change in Australia.

For more information, please visit the grant information page.

Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program
Closing Date: 5 August 2024

The Australian Government is inviting organisations to deliver services to assist those at risk of, or who have experienced forced marriage, by providing access to support that is needs-based, and provided for as long as is needed for their recovery and healing due to the negative impacts of being at risk of, or in a forced marriage.

For more information, please visit the grant information page.
Deafness Foundation Community Grants
Closing Date: 31 October 2024

The Deafness Foundation awards grants to projects that benefit people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

For more information, please visit the grant information page.
Caption: Text reading "Closing Soon!"
NSW Government Youth Opportunities Grant
Closing Date: 15 July 2024

The Youth Opportunities program provides one-off, time-limited grants to incorporated not-for-profit community organisations and local government councils in NSW. Funding is for new projects that enable marginalised young people,aged 12 to 24, to lead and participate in their communities.

The Youth Opportunities program requires applicant organisations to have spoken with marginalised young people and involved them in developing the project proposal prior to submitting a grant application.

For more information, please visit the grant information page.

Supporting Spontaneous Volunteers Program
Closing Date: 19 July 2024

The Supporting Spontaneous Volunteers Program will provide $5 million in funding to projects across NSW to support communities and volunteers to be better prepared, supported, coordinated and mobilised to respond to disaster events.

For more information, please visit the grant information page.

Latest Community Jobs
Some of the latest from our Jobs Board:

Aboriginal Research Officer (Sydney CBD) - NADA - VIEW JOB

AOD Community Support Worker (Inner West Sydney) - WHOS - VIEW JOB

Business Manager (Western Sydney) - Women's Community Shelters - VIEW JOB

Trainer/Project Officer (South West Sydney) - NSW STARTTS - VIEW JOB

Case Worker
(Newcastle/Hunter) - WHOS - VIEW JOB

Specialist Case Worker (Western Sydney) - Platform Youth Services - VIEW JOB

Casual Support Worker (South East Sydney) - Kingsway Care - VIEW JOB
Member Stories
NCOSS gives its members the opportunity to share their stories, research, resources, events and more through NCOSS eNews. If you have something to share with the sector, send through a short blurb (50-70 words), image (250 x 250px) and relevant links to

We will endeavour to add it to an edition of NCOSS e-News (goes out every fortnight on Thursday morning). Deadline for content is 5:00pm on Monday, the week of publication. The next deadline is Monday, 22 July 2024.

NCOSS gratefully acknowledges the support of

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